On Aug. 16, Nashville mayoral runoff candidates Megan Barry and David Fox squared off at The Temple Church in a forum put on by Nashville Organized for Action and Hope, a coalition of 45 congregations, labor unions, and other community-focused organizations. More than 1,500 were held in rapt attention as the candidates answered questions surrounding issues including affordable housing, schools, the criminal justice system, income inequality, and jobs. Must give a round of applause to the folks who took the time to come out into the rain for what was an eyeopening event. To see such a huge crowd filling Temple Baptist’s massive sanctuary — a sign that plenty of Nashvillians are committed to making better lives for all here — was quite inspiring.
It’s no secret that I’m in the tank for Megan Barry, so in the interest of letting the reader decide for her- or himself, my thoughts on the forum will stay mine (unless someone wants to disc
uss via comments). Before the election, watch the video and hear what the two hopefuls have to say. Listen carefully and get a sense of the candidates. Pay close attention particularly in their discussion of the school to prison pipeline. Tell me what you think.
To add some fun, here’s a good drinking game (which I played with iced tea, for the record): Chug every time you hear the word “muscular.” At the event, the man seated next to me and I started counting the times that word was uttered. Enjoy, and play responsibly.
Kudos and thanks to NOAH for organizing such a well-run and well-attended forum that served our city well. Of course, the group serves Nashville well all year long by speaking up for the needs, rights, and struggles of traditionally marginalized people.
If you were at the Aug. 16 event, or if you watched the video, NOAH would like your help in evaluating the forum. That will be one topic up for discussion at the organization’s monthly meeting, Tuesday at 6:30 pm at Fifteenth Ave Baptist Church (1203 Ninth Ave. N, near the Farmer’s Market). Also on the agenda: an upcoming community organizing training and a brainstorming session on how to engage public officials after the election.