PROGRESSIVE NASHVILLEProgressive Nashville is the newest incarnation of Grateful Dread Peace Media founder Natalie Davis’ respected progressive issues and activism blog ALL FACTS AND OPINIONS, which was in existence as a bulletin board, web site and blog from 1996-2010. Now that GDPM is operating from Music City, we saw reviving the blog as a means of informing area progressives about issues that, while less urgent in the north, in some cases, take on a whole new importance for blue people living in a red state.

armact rosieThe mission of Progressive Nashville is the same as that of our sister public radio station, Grateful Dread Public Radio: to educate, inform, challenge and inspire — and to turn Tennessee purple. Our longrunning Yahoogroup e-list and action effort The Armchair Activist will play a role here, bringing you activism news, alerts and opportunities to make a positive, progressive difference. Join to get action alerts and news in your inbox and publicize your efforts too!

As with AF&O, we will publish reports and commentary — facts and opinions; which is which will be clear — on issues of political, social, and cultural consequence to progressives in Nashville, Middle Tennessee, our other service area of the California Bay Area, and by extension, progressives throughout the nation. While the strict journalism will refrain from bias, our commentary operates from a peace-progressive viewpoint. All are welcome to comment on the site or contact us, regardless of political or ideological stripe, however, only civil responses will see print or receive a reply.

If you are interested in submitting a guest article or commentary, we would love to consider it for print, Write Progressive Nashville at gdrinfo@gmail.com, and use SUBMISSION as your subject header.

In short, and I paraphrase the mission statement of the venerable web magazine that has inspired me over the years, Dick Price and Sharon Kyle’s LA Progressive Progressive Nashville is here to be a forum for progressive views, to stand for peace and nonviolence, to promote compassion and kindness, to champion progressive values, to encourage positive, progressive citizen action, and to stand up for the dispossessed and powerless.

Check out our blog at http://progressive-nashville.com.