Drumpf is in the White House and flexing his muscles to make his intolerable racist, sexist, xenophobic, and homophobic vision reality. GPDR’s The Armchair Activist, therefore, is doubling down on its efforts to keep you informed on ways in which you can help make a positive difference during these increasingly troubled times.

Join The Armchair Activist Yahoogroups mailing list to get peace-progressive activism news and action alerts, plus resistance event and action marching orders and info, into your inbox each day.   The list presents national alerts primarily, along with items specifically targeting Nashville and Tennessee.

The time is NOW to get busy, not only to build a better world but to stand in loud opposition to an illegitimate “president” and Trumpist forces determined to make AmeriKKKa hate again. If Drumpf is #NotYourPresident, you must take action, write and CALL your legislators, and put boots on the ground. Be part of the solution — join the list and stay tuned to resistance radio GDPR REVOLUTION99!

Since 1996, GDPR’s The Armchair Activist has worked to spread the word that activism is everyone’s job in the struggle to build a better, cleaner, fairer, more peaceful and sustainability-minded world. With the new people’s revolution and the anti-Trumpenführer resistance underway, it is more vital than ever that we get active, stay active, and encourage others to become active. Our lives and those of future generations depend upon it. Join us.

“Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.”

Get started with this list of ways to resist Trumpolini from progressive pundit Robert Reich (note: This was written prior to the Jan. 21 Women’s March).

Get involved with weekly legislator protests — call and visit your representatives and senators every Tuesday.  (Congressional switchboard:  [202] 224-3121 )

Download and read Indivisible:  A Practical Guide for Resisting the Drumpf Agenda. AND GET BUSY! Get active EVERY DAY! Our individual and collective futures depend on it.

And check out these eight ways to resist from Shannon Wright and Susan Mirk of The Nib. Number 3 is especially important! GDPR absolutely needs your help to keep up the fight and fulfill our long-held mission.



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