
This action alert comes from People’s Action: Drumpf’s immigration order targeting seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen — is creating chaos and misery around the world.

The executive order mandates several points: It bars Syrian refugees from entering the US indefinitely, suspends all refugee admissions for 120 days, and blocks citizens of the aforementioned seven countries from entering this nation  for 90 days.

The New York Times presents a rundown of what’s happened since the Trumpenführer issued what many here and abroad see as his heartless executive order Friday afternoon. An excerpt follows:

On Saturday night, a federal judge in Brooklyn blocked part of … Drumpf’s order, saying that refugees and others being held at airports across the United States should not be sent back to their home countries. But the judge stopped short of letting them into the country or issuing a broader ruling on the constitutionality of… Trumpactions.

Federal judges in three states — Massachusetts, Virginia and Washington — soon issued similar rulings to stop the government from removing refugees and others with valid visas. The judge in Massachusetts also said the government could not detain the travelers.

… The order was widely condemned by Democrats, religious groups, business leaders, immigration policy experts, academics and others, but was praised by some Republican leaders, including House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, and supporters of … Drumpf.

LA Progressive offers more info on the American Civil Liberties Union’s legal fight.

Beyond the ACLU, other forces of the anti-Drumpf resistance took action, heading to airports across the country to show their horror at Trumpolini’s acts. Part of the resistance is being organized by People’s Action of Chicago. They’re asking you to get involved by signing onto a letter telling your state’s governor to stand against the Muslim ban. Tell Your Governor: Join The Resistance. Go to your local airport. Demand the Department of Homeland Security let them in.

Get busy: Sign on. Then head to an airport if you can and make your voice heard. This is about kindness, compassion, justice, stopping bigots, and living up to the words on the Statue of Liberty. #LetThemIn

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